As a musician, it can be very frustrating to play to a room full of people who seem to not be listening. Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir famously said a couple of years ago to a crowd who was more interested in talking than listening, "Shut the Fuck Up". I would probably not ever go that far, but I have been tempted to stop the music and wait it out, not unlike a tactic I use occasionally in my classroom. The point is that musicians, like all artists, chefs included, want to be appreciated. I am pretty sure that you don't go out to some fancy restaurant, order a $35 entree, and dump catsup all over it. You wait for it to be served with great anticipation. And when tasting it, you pay attention to the flavors, subtle and otherwise. Musicians would alike the same consideration. Please give us a listen. You may really like it.
And thanks to Derek at Murphy's Irish Pub in Sonoma for placing this notice, written by Lauren Brenner, on his table tops. It did seem to make a difference.
Hey, maybe we should change our name to "Cat Video"! People love watching those!